The popularity of homeschooling has skyrocketed since the pandemic. Will it last? Homeschool guru and author Jennifer Pepito joined MOMlitics to expose the hidden harms of traditional classrooms, and to explain why - and how - to teach kids at home. She also shared strategies that all parents can utilize to better connect with their children, and why that’s so essential today.
Homeschool, Parenting, and Early Childhood resources that Jennifer mentions in the episode:
The Peaceful Press - Getting Started by Jennifer Pepito
The Peaceful Preschool by Jennifer Pepito
10 Day Connection Challenge by Jennifer Pepito (free resource)
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong
Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andriola
Passion Driven Education by Connor Boyack
Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld, Ph. D.
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